Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Action 9: Don on 'trickle'

I would like to introduce you to one of my favorite (imaginary) friends.
Meet Don.
Today, Don is going to visit TTYOT.
TTYOT stands for ‘Train the Youth of Today.’
(And yes, that’s imaginary too.  But who cares.  It still counts.)

TTYOT (Train the Youth of Today) is a political organization committed to feeding the minds and bodies of our floundering youth. 

Let's listen in on Don and the eminent youth trainer from TTYOT.  

TTYOT counselor:      Welcome, Don.  You are our first trainee.  We at TTYOT believe in feeding both the MINDS and the BODIES of our floundering youth.
Don:                            Just so you know, I don’t do Peanut Butter and Jelly.
TTYOT counselor:      Don, FIRST we feed your mind, THEN we feed your body.
Don:                            I like roast beef.
TTYOT counselor:      Don, focus!  Today’s lesson is on being an ‘All around better kind of person?
Don:                            I like roast beef with hot sauce.
TTYOT counselor:      DON!  FOCUS!  Don’t you want to be an ‘All around better kind of person?
Don:                            OK …. shoot.
TTYOT counselor:      Exactly!  Vote Republican!

(silence …. more silence….)

Don:                            You mean give more billions to the billionaires?
TTYOT counselor:      That’s only the FIRST step!
Don:                            But ….
TTYOT counselor:      Then comes the TRICKLE down!
Don:                            BUT ….
TTYOT counselor:      Remember that’s when you can try to EARN IT BACK!

(silence …. more silence …. shhhhhh …. Don is thinking!)

Don:                            BUT someone shifted the TRICKLE!
                                    MY TRICKLE IS HAPPENING ALL OVER CHINA!

(silence …. the TTYOT counselor is counting to ten … 1 ... 2 … 3… 4 ...)

 TTYOT counselor:     Don!  That is VERY bad attitude!

The end.

OK, ok, ok …. I happen to think that’s funny.  (You are certainly welcome to your own opinion.)

This morning I needed a laugh … otherwise I would have started to cry. 
The figures are out.  Romney raised $106,000,000 in June alone. 
That reads, One - hundred  - and - six  - MILLION dollars in June alone. 
That’s $35,000,000 more than Obama. 
Just so we are clear.  That’s June ALONE. 
According to the experts Romney, will probably raise about twice as much as Obama by the time this is done.
Mostly big donors and Super PACs.
INSANITY reigns.
Romney’s folks are saying, ‘the people have spoken’. 
I say, ‘Say WHAT??!!’

Oh, I hear Don calling from down the hall,

 Don:                            I said roast beef!
                                    I don’t  DO  LIVERWURST!

Be there.
If you are one of those fortunate people who happens to have friends, 
invite them to BE THERE right along with you.

(Oh and yes, getting ready right around now, may be a pretty good idea.)

Yours truly, Bena

Peep and the Parade    by Bena
Keep up the attitude …. It may be good for us!

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