Friday, July 13, 2012

Action 10: Whisper

I look at the Super PACs.
I see their billions.
They are HUGE and POWERFUL and FIERCE.

And I am tiny.

I have
bottom, I am going to work myself out of the muck.

I am alive!
I am a woman. (I happen to like that.)
I am nice (sometimes), funny (occasionally), adorable (well, … maybe).
AND I know that $1,000,000,000 doesn’t fill a ballot box.
Instead, PEOPLE do  …  like you and me and millions more!
Super PACs buy billion dollar ads that woo and blame and threaten.
But ADS don’t fill a ballot box.
Instead, PEOPLE do …  like you and me and millions more!
Super PACs buy billion dollar glitter and sparkle and pomp.
But POMP doesn’t fill a ballot box.
Instead, PEOPLE do … like you and me and millions more!

The whispers of our combined voices are LOUDER and CLEARER and SWEETER than all those Super PACs combined.

I could end here.
I often do.
But today I am going to forge ahead …

… because to fill those ballot boxes, we’ve got to keep up the whisper.

There are a million ways to do just that.
I am going to suggest one that works for me.
1. I buy myself a box of envelpes. (White is good. YELLOW is better.)
2. I pull out my address book.
3. I label each envelope with the name and address of a friend.
4. I Live Life and wait ... 
5. ... wait for computer ahHA and LOLs and WOWs, which happen ALL THE TIME.
6. I push PRINT.
7. I write Thinking of You’ on the top of the page.
8. I stuff it in an envelope.
9. I find a mail box.
10. I drop it in.
11. Yes, by snail mail.  
      I am perfectly aware we live in the 21st century.  Yet, when was the last time you opened your
      mailbox and found something other than bills .... something YELLOW with YOUR NAME 
      in handwritingwith a note that read, 'Thinking of you'?
12. Yes, snail mail counts - even in the 21st century.

That is ONE idea on how to whisper. 
There are millions more.
You pick.

Remember, the whispers of our combined voices are LOUDER and CLEARER
and SWEETER, than all the billion dollar Super PACs combined.

Yours truly, Bena

Peep and the Parade    by Bena
whisper .... 'cause together we ROAR.

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