Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Action 11: 15 minutes!

So glad you are here!

Recently, I wasted $4.62 and 15 minutes of my time … 

...... or maybe not.

I sent cards to the following five Supreme Court Justices of the United States of America. 

The Honorable John G. Roberts Chief Supreme Court Justice

The Honorable Sonia Sotomayor Supreme Court Justice
The Honorable Stephen G. Breyer Supreme Court Justice

The Honorable Elena Kagan Supreme Court Justice

The Honorable Ruth Bader Ginsburg Supreme Court Justice

Here they are:

 Inside each card I wrote, in my somewhat sloppy handwriting,

 “ Thank you     THANK YOU
                     Thank you 
thank you  Thank you
                     Thank you  
Thank You
I just think it cannot be said enough.
Thank you for all of your headaches and heartaches to support
our national health care.”

Then I signed each card, stuck them in a mailbox, and went out for ice-cream to celebrate.

Will my letters ever be read by these brilliant people?
Probably not ……  but then again, maybe.

Maybe at least one of them will read my card.  Maybe the timing is just right.  Maybe my message will give them that last bit of energy to do what is good and courageous in the future….

…. or maybe I simply wasted $4.62 and 15 minutes of my time.

Either way, I decided to celebrate.
I celebrated that on THAT particular day,
I fully understood that I am not responsible for the outcome. 
I am simply responsible for my actions – or lack thereof. 

In the say way, I am not responsible for the outcome of the 2012 election,
but I AM responsible for my actions – or lack thereof.

I am not responsible for the future of our country,
but I AM responsible for my actions – or lack thereof.

I celebrated that in that fleeting moment, I fully understood my profound lack of power and
yet embraced my astounding personal responsibility for the world I live in.

That is a mighty thing to remember.
I keep forgetting.
On the days I remember, I act.  Then I celebrate.

Yours truly, Bena

Peep and the Parade    by Bena

... 'cause it matters ....... 

In case you care to know:

Justice (or Chief Justice) (Justice's Full Name)
Supreme Court of the United States
One First Street N.E.
Washington, DC 20543


Maureen said...

I am very glad you sent those letters. I should, too!!

Sue said...

We ALL should. Bena is right - we are responsible for our actions AND our lack of action.

Think I'll buy some envelopes when I go out for lunch today!