Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Action 22: Gotta love words!

So Glad You Are Here

When I need a new word, I make one up.

I am not alone.

How do you think the word ‘CENTIPEDE’ 
got started?

It became absolutely necessary!

Imagine a kid having to say, ‘Mom, there is a long, flattened, many-segmented predaceous arthropod, with modified poisonous  fangs  CRAWLING UP MY ARM!’

See what I mean?

Sometimes a new word becomes absolutely necessary!

May I propose a word that rhymes with democracy:   MONEYOCRAZY

Here is the definition of my brand new word:  MONEYOCRAZY
A government for the money and by the money, which caters to a few. 

By contrast, let me define DEMOCRACY in the following succinct manner:
A government for the people and by the people, which serves all.

Now, I will remember life before my shiny new word,  MONEYOCRAZY.
I may want to ask Senator Troy the following question:
‘Senator Troy, We have lost our democracy to the pernicious destruction of principles manifested in our constitution due to the infiltration of monetary superiority, which influences great manipulation of the legislative processes to perpetuate the pernicious greed of a few.  And what do you plan to do about this?’

Got lost?   Right!  Well, Senator Troy got lost too and switched the topic
to his loyal friends in Idaho. 

Now, let us imagine life after my sparkly new word, MONEYOCRAZY.
We simply ask Senator Troy the following question:
'Senator Troy, We have lost our democracy to moneocrazy.  
What do you plan to do about this?’

In case, Senator Troy did not catch the question, and begins to talk about his loyal friends
in Idaho, you just ask that same simple question again,
‘Senator Troy, we have lost our democracy to moneocrazy.  
What do you plan to do about this?’

...  and again,
‘Senator Troy, we have lost our democracy to moneocrazy.  
What do you plan to do about this?’

Keep it simple.  

Repetition is good.

Yours truly,  Bena

Peep and the Parade by Bena

Celebrate words .... they matter! 

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