Sunday, June 17, 2012

Action 3: Begin the Cushy Revolution

So Glad you are Here!

In my last blog we asked a very important question:
'How can we engage in change WITHOUT ALL THAT HASSLE?'
If sleeping in tents and holding cardboard signs, or sipping tea at tea-parties, or joining yet another committee, is more than we can bear, THERE IS STILL HOPE!  Yes, there is HOPE, even for Grumblers like you and me …. and all other Peeps curious enough to care.

Let me introduce
The Guide to a Cushy Revolution
Step 1:             Have access to the internet.  (Good so far?  OK, we shall proceed.)
Step 2:             Want to be able to ‘make this earth a better place’ in your own time, in your own terms, in your own special way.  (For example, at home, in your pajamas, sipping espresso, at 3 am, with your guinea pig on your lap.)
Step 3:             Requires no more than 5 minutes MAX!
Step 4:             Is at lease somewhat entertaining.  (OK, I’ll work on that.)
Step 5:             Can call it quits at any time.

That’s it.
If this works for you, this is your parade.

Now you ask, “How is THAT supposed to fix the mess?"
We will engage in a Cultural Paradigm Shift based on Revolutionary Science.
OK, ok .... I said that to make you think I am really smart.  Actually, I am a bit fuzzy about this Paradigm Shift stuff, but what I intend to do, is introduce new perceptions to old beliefs or events, thereby make past actions obsolete and out of necessity prompt cultural behavioral change.

Let’s try that again. 

Let’s say you and I live in 300 B.C.  The word is flat.  Yes, at this point the world is flat as a pancake!  So, we make sure to never, EVER go far out into the ocean, because we WILL absolutely fall off!  
Then this crazy guy shows up.
He says the world is round, there is no edge, our pancake is one big hoax and worst of all WE ARE NOT THE CENTER OF THE UNIVERSE.
So, we kill the crazy guy.  (Terrible, but true.)
Then we hear that same crazy stuff again, and again, and again ….
We sneak out in the middle of the night - when no one is watching - and take our little boat WAAAAAAAY out into the ocean and don’t fall off!
Then others go WAAAAAAAAY out into the ocean and discover brand new lands.
Then others go WAAAAAAAAY out and prove that we are not the center of the universe, which leads to space travel and satellites and  -  you’re going to like this -  internet and i-phones and all those other gadgets we must have and adore.

So, back to The Guide to a Cushy Revolution and Cultural Paradigm Shifts.  This is how it works, I introduce new ideas on how to look at the same old stuff and you will simply sit at your computer with your guinea pig and refrain from killing me.


Oh, and in the mists of all of this, you will pick up a paddle and go WAAAAAAAAAY out there and discover whole new lands.

Yours truly, Bena
We'll start with the first 'crazy' idea on Thursday .... and yes, if we get the numbers we WILL help fix the great big mess.

Peep and the Parade    by Bena
WAAAAY out there ..................... 

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